A friend of mine recently started an executive coaching business after spending more than two decades in the insurance industry. We worked together before and I always enjoyed his insights about business and people. I have had mixed experiences with many trainers / coaches before. I usually can learn something but quickly forget, for lack of practice, or stamina, or both.

I decided to give it a try. It’s always pleasant to chat with him anyway.

We started focusing on things that I always want to do such as writing a book / sailing around the world / Climbing the Everest but never get them done. I was expecting some standard advice, i.e., making a plan, starting small, and checking progress.

Instead I was asked “why” and “how” important these things to me. After some rumbling thoughts I was able to piece together my priorities.

We then focused on what stopped me doing my priorities and what I should do to kick-start in the sessions followed.

He just asked questions. I had answers all along but I did not know until he helped me find them.

“Good coaches teach; great coaches ask.”

Thank you #Luukynam! Why did it take you so long to start #coachagy?

Alex Zhang

Head of Data Science

Hong Kong Telecom